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November Is Dedicated To The Holy Souls in Purgatory: What Is Purgatory?

NOVEMBER IS THE MONTH DEDICATED TO THE HOLY SOULS IN PURGATORY, BUT WE CAN PRAY FOR THEM ANYTIME! Click the link below to watch a video that explains what Purgatory is and why it exists.       ***CLICK HERE TO WATCH*** WHY PURGATORY MUST EXIST: EXPLAINING THE FAITH with Fr. Chris Alar .   Note: I enjoyed this video very much, however, I would add something I don’t recall Fr. Alar mentioning in his talk. The Holy Souls, in all of their suffering, are happier than any souls on earth could be, because it is they that know for certain that they have been saved eternally and are merely undergoing their final purification. I know this of my personal time studying the lives of the saints and the souls in purgatory.  What is Purgatory?  The Catechism teaches us that “Purgatory is a  state  in which those suffer for a time who die guilty of venial sins, or without having satisfied for the punishment due to their sins.” (Baltimore Catechism #4 p.322, Pub. Baronius Press.) Can the faithful on ear

A Particular Miracle Rosary Connected To The Eucharist And The French Revolution

A Particular Miracle Rosary:

 My mother made a pilgrimage to France to volunteer for the sick and suffering at Lourdes with the North American Lourdes Volunteers program in June of 2016, the Holy Year of Mercy. In fact, she arrived at Lourdes on the feast day of our beloved St. Anthony of Padua who we both have called upon many times over the years. While she was on this pilgrimage she made her way around the quaint town and by providence found a Poor Clare Monastery there. While she was in the gift shop she met a Religious Sister. There were different items in the shop but the Sister went to a particular Rosary to share with my mother. It was the Rosary made of beans with the image of the Holy Monstrance imprinted on them. And this is the special keepsake my mother brought back for me from Lourdes. You can clearly see the image of the monstrance imprinted on these holy beans in the photos below.  The beans began growing during the French Revolution according to the little print out given to my mother by the Religious Sister that you can see below.  It’s just one of the many miracles that come out of Lourdes. 


Rosary Beads Made of these Holy Monstrance Beans Close Up

The Five Decade Holy Rosary 

The Poor Clare Monastery in Lourdes, France

Inside The Public Chapel At The Monastery

If you would like to read about a special miracle reliquary from Heaven, read my posted summary of       St. Colette of Corbie: Franciscan Reformer of the Poor Clares.
